Air Quality

“Working well with, among, or
as a liaison to the regulatory agencies.”


R|CAT understands local, state, and federal requirements.

R|CAT analyzes implications of legislation, regulations, and policies, and identifies options and paths for the client to address future rule changes in order to develop compliance strategies that minimize financial impacts.

R|CAT develops strategies to minimize offset requirements and permitting burdens, and to maximize acceptable emission reductions that contribute to lowering ambient pollutant concentrations.

R|CAT serves as the single point-of-contact with the agencies, develops strategies for permit streamlining, and negotiates reasonable permit conditions. A project team is formed, providing the necessary expertise (e.g., engineering, air quality modeling, emissions testing) to commence project operations.

R|CAT provides support for projects undergoing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and state energy licensing such as the California Energy Commission’s Application for Certification (AFC). As part of the multidisciplinary analyses required in these programs, R|CAT understands how to address the air quality analysis requirements, as well as those cross-cutting environmental issues that also involve air quality.

Learn more about R|CAT. In addition to air quality, our services include energy projects, environmental communications, and behavior design. Contact us over here.

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