Refresh – Liability Insurance and Miscellany


For the past month, I have continued refreshing R|CAT. Having my business and administrative files organized has been very helpful. Among my legacy files, it was a good day when I came across this gem (1998 liability insurance history) during my form-filling-out endeavors.


From 1998 insurance application process.

I also have been involved in several business development discussions. As expected (and as it should be), obtaining liability insurance is one of the main steps to securing contracts either directly with clients or as a subcontractor. I am looking forward to paying my insurance premium.


Statement of Qualifications (SOQs). Heading into the home stretch for submitting my application for liability insurance, I am updating my SOQs to include my U.S. EPA, Region 9 project experience. SOQs are one of several required attachments for the application. As I mentioned in an earlier post –

My EPA experience greatly informs my consulting capabilities. I am reliving my EPA performance appraisal self-assessments and appraisal feedback – that’s 2008-2014 work. I am still chipping away at summaries of my EPA project work. I am glad I was quite detailed in my self-assessments and diligent about performance appraisal feedback.

– and I have taken a little longer than I expected. While compiling summaries, I took the opportunity to call colleagues, catch up on their personal and professional pursuits, and reminisce about past projects. I consider the time spent priceless.

Going digital. When I started R|CAT in the mid-1990s, my qualifications and promotional material were on paper. I have come across quite a bit of on-paper qualifications in my legacy files. Needless to say, I am glad to have the benefit of the digital world. And I have a friend who will help starting me off with the nuts and bolts of a web-based presence.

Bookkeeping and accounting. My end-of-the-year activities will include identifying 2014 personal income and expenses attributable to R|CAT activities. Thank you very much to my bookkeeper and accountant, with whom I have great faith in them. (I do not have faith in bookkeeping and accounting.)

What tips, if any, do you have for re-starting a consultancy?

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